Our Trivia Games Night (9/9/22) was just great! We had a very good turnout; Casual Catering’s food was delicious, and we had lots of wonderful raffle and silent auction items! Jim Lucas did a super job — he really knows how to make the games fun. We want to thank everyone involved; Jim, his wife Linda, sister Terry, mom Helen, for all their donations and help setting up the hall.
Thanks to all our members and friends who donated nice prizes; especially to our Treasurer Chris Letterman, who again made all beautiful floral centerpieces for the tables. Also, thanks to Chris and her friend who sat at the welcome table all night; Paul Guanci of Casual Catering & Super Sub (who donated a generous gift card); Sharon Cook (our fun VP) who shared emcee duties with Jim; Neal Flewelling for letting us use his sound system; Joan Matton, Bonnie Currier, and Lisa Vince, who donated and helped in numerous ways; Cheryl Mezack who donated attractive items and acted as our photographer for the event; Nancy Buchanan for her generous prizes; Diane McCarthy for Celtics tickets; the staff/help from the Franco-American Club.
Also thanks to Rep. Jerry Parisella for attending; Sen. Joan Lovely who made and brought a beautiful floral and animal arrangement; Gov. Councilor Eileen Duff who donated several nice prizes. All three are regular supporters of FOBA’s efforts and we appreciate that so much!
Much appreciation to these businesses & organizations: Acapulco’s, Commonwealth Cats, Casual Catering/Super Sub, DogSpa, Ellis Square Friends, Stop ‘n Shop of No. Beverly, Looking Good by Stella, Loyal Companion, the Paul Ramsdell Scholarship Fund, PetCo of Gloucester, Rev Restaurant, Wild Bird Unlimited.
Finally, of course we want to acknowledge and thank all who attended, and FOBA’s visionary President and Founder, Heidi Roberts, who started all of this!

We apologize if anyone has been left out. Please let us know and we’ll fix it!