October Meeting

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 2nd at 6:30 PM at the Keller-Williams Real Estate office, 500 Cummings Center, Beverly. We will be discussing the Fur Ball to be held on 10/13 and other matters. Newcomers welcome. Questions, please contact Heidi Roberts at heidiroberts@comcast.net or call 978-927-4157.


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September Meeting

The Friends of Beverly Animals will have a meeting on Monday, Sept. 10th at the Keller-Williams Real Estate Office, 500 Cummings Center, Beverly, at 6:30 PM. On the agenda is our upcoming fundraiser, the Fur Ball, to be held on Oct. 13th at the Franco-American Club, animal rescue updates, and other matters. Posters and tickets for the Fur Ball will be available. Volunteers are needed to help with this event!! Newcomers always welcome.
Contact Heidi Roberts at heidiroberts@comcast.net 978-927-4157 or Bonnie Hannable at bhannable@gmail.com 978-922-7190 if you have questions.
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Fur Ball October 13, 2018

Please mark your calendars and consider attending and helping out with our major fund-raiser for the year, the Fur Ball, which will be held on Sat., Oct. 13th at the Franco-American Club on Park Street in Beverly from 7-11 PM. Raffles, silent auctions, great food and live music, dancing and more. Music will be provided by the band Ditto (website dittoband.net). This is always a fun event! Tickets are $25 and can be purchased on our website (click on “donate” button) www.friendsofbeverlyanimals.org or by emailing foba2007@gmail.com or calling 978-922-7190.
We need volunteers to get raffle/silent auction items from local merchants, put up posters in and around Beverly, plus there are other ways you can help. We thank all our friends and supporters who make our rescue and adoption work possible. We have saved the lives and found loving homes for hundreds of precious animals, which we cannot do without your help!
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Spring/Summer Newsletter

Hi Friends,
Here’s our latest newsletter, hope you’ll take a few minutes to read it. This issue is mostly about cats, but we’d like to add that we also love dogs (and all animals) and try to help however we can! We don’t have any foster homes for dogs and the Animal Control Officer in Beverly usually deals with canines, but we do network with other animal groups and animal-lovers frequently to help in any way possible. Thanks for all your support and interest!

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May Meeting

We will have a meeting on Monday, May 21st at the Keller-Williams Real Estate Office, 500 Cummings Center, Beverly, at 6:30 PM. Newcomers are always welcome.
We would like to find an individual or individuals who would be willing to be involved in a Run or Dog Walk to benefit our rescue and adoption placement efforts. Please contact Heidi Roberts at heidiroberts@comcast.net 978-927-4157 if you are interested in helping.
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Make Your Pet a Star! Calendar photos wanted

Make your pet a star!

The Friends of Beverly Animals (FOBA) is seeking pet photos for our 2019 calendar. Send a favorite photo (no more than three of each pet, please) of dogs, cats, hamsters, birds, any animal you care about, as long as it’s a good and interesting photo. The deadline for submission is July 31st. Send to bhannable@gmail.com and include the words “2019 calendar” in the email subject line.

Photos should be good quality (at least 100 dpi or 4″x6″ in size), not blurry or dark, with no people (or people parts) in them. Identify the animal(s) by name and state owner’s name. Extra consideration will be given to rescues and those adopted through FOBA, so please tell us if the animal/pet was adopted from FOBA or another rescue organization or shelter. For more information, go to friendsofbeverlyanimals.org, FOBA’s Facebook page, or email bhannable@gmail.com or call 978-922-7190.

Selling calendars is one of the ways FOBA raises money to support the rescue and adoption placement work we do. Here are the cover from this year’s calendar and the month of July 2018. Receipt of your photos will be acknowledged, but please be patient because we receive a lot of photos!

Thank you for supporting the Friends of Beverly Animals!

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Pretty kitties available for adoption now

We hope we can find loving homes for these pretty cats!

Available for Adoption

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April 2018 Meeting

The next meeting of the Friends of Beverly Animals will be on Monday, April 23rd at 6:30 PM at the Keller-Williams Real Estate Office, 500 Cummings Center, Beverly.

Newcomers are always welcome. Please join us and learn what FOBA is all about. For more information, visit our website www.friendsofbeverlyanimals.org our Facebook page, or call 978-927-4157 or write to heidiroberts@comcast.net or bhannable@gmail.com

In our ten years of operation, we have rescued and found loving homes for hundreds of animals. We thank all of our volunteers and supporters who have made this possible.

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

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March 2018 News Bulletin

Hi Friends,

Here’s our latest news bulletin, which contains stories about recent rescues, adoptions, cats available for adoption, fostering opportunities and more. We hope that you will find time to read it and that you will enjoy the happy tales.

We want to thank all our supporters for helping us save the lives and find loving homes for hundreds of animals. This is FOBA’s 10th year of operation and we could not have done it without you!

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March Meeting

The Friends of Beverly Animals will have a meeting on Monday, March 19, 2018 at 6:30 PM at the Keller-Williams Real Estate office, 500 Cummings Center, Beverly, MA. Please join us! Newcomers are always welcome.

We will be discussing plans for 2018, animal rescues, and any other matters that members wish to talk about.

For more information, visit www.friendsofbeverlyanimals.org, call 978-927-4157, write to heidiroberts@comcast.net or bhannable@gmail.com or visit FOBA’s Facebook page.

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