2021 FOBA Calendars Now Available!

Our 2021 calendars are now on sale in several Beverly stores. See list below. Please keep in mind for Christmas/holiday giving, they make great gifts for your animal-loving friends!

Most years, we have had the calendars available at our fall fundraiser, the Fur Ball, and then again at the First Baptist Church Holiday Fair in November, but sadly neither of those is possible this year because of the coronavirus. We had considered not doing a calendar this year, but there seemed to be a lot of interest and FOBA needs to raise funds to cover veterinary and other expenses involved in rescuing and placing homeless pets (and we love to show off your furry/feathered/other friends), so here we are!

Calendars are $14 each, and they may also be purchased on our website friendsofbeverlyanimals.org  If you would like to purchase the 2021 FOBA Calendar online, simply click the “Donate” button, then enter $14 for each calendar desired, and under Special Instructions type in “Calendar.” Please add $4.00 for the first calendar and $0.75 for each additional calendar to cover postage and envelope. Questions, write bhannable@gmail.com or call 978-922-7190. It is possible to arrange a pick-up in Beverly and save the shipping charges, please email for more info.

Note that stores only accept cash or checks payable to FOBA.

Beverly Wild Bird & Pet Supply, 214 Rantoul Street, Beverly 978-927-2880 (closed Mondays)

Copper Dog Books, 272 Cabot Street, Beverly 978-969-3460

Dogs by Design & Cats, Too! 131 Dodge Street, Beverly 978-998-7620 (call for hours)

DogSpa, 45 Enon Street, Beverly 978-922-9227

Marika’s Restaurant, 199 Cabot Street, Beverly  978-927-1768 (call for hours)

Sally’s Hair Salon, 138 Dodge Street, Beverly 978-524-9990 (call for hours)

Many thanks to these kind Beverly merchants for again carrying our calendars! We hope you will do business with them often.

On behalf of our volunteers and the precious animals we help, thank you very much for your continued support of our work!


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E-News Bulletin and Request for Pet Photos for 2021 Calendar!

Here’s our latest E-News Bulletin. We hope that many of our friends will take time to read it.

We’re seeking your best pet photos again for our 2021 calendar, with a deadline for submissions of July 31st. Please check it out on page 7!!

Thank you for your support, and we hope you are all well and safe during these difficult (pandemic) times.

From All the Volunteers at FOBA


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No Meeting in June – Special Note about possible 2021 Calendar


Dear Friends,

First, from all of the volunteers at FOBA, we want to send our best wishes and hope that you and your families are all well during these difficult days.

Next, we wanted to let you know that we are trying to decide whether or not to plan on printing a calendar for 2021, considering the coronavirus that so dramatically affects all of us and what we do. We have published a calendar each year for over a decade and we would like to continue, but at this time we cannot make any promises. We would, however, like to begin collecting your favorite pet photos and hold off on making a decision on the calendar until some time in July. Selling calendars is one way we raise money to help us continue our mission of rescuing and finding good homes for animals in need. Most of our sales are thru stores located in Beverly, and since we are not sure if they will be open or what the circumstances may be, for now we’ll just collect your photos…and perhaps use them on our Facebook page or website some time in the future if we decide not to print a calendar. But, on the assumption that we will print one, here are the guidelines.


The Friends of Beverly Animals (FOBA) is seeking pet photos for our 2021 calendar (or other possible use should we decide not to do a calendar, as stated above). Please send us a favorite photo (LIMIT OF 3 PER PET, PLEASE!) of dogs, cats, hamsters, birds, any animal you care about, as long as it’s a good and interesting photo and was not used in our previous calendars.

Photos should be high quality (jpg format, at least 100 dpi or 4″x6″ in size), not blurry or dark, with no people (or people parts) in them. Please identify the animal(s) by name, and state the owner’s name. The deadline for submission is July 15, 2020. Send to bhannable@gmail.com and include the words “2021 calendar” in the email subject line. Receipt of your photos will be acknowledged, but please be patient because we receive lots of photos. If you don’t currently have a pet, but know someone who might like to have their animal friend in the calendar, kindly share this information.
For more information on our calendar, email bhannable@gmail.com or call 978-922-7190. For further information or to ask about adoptions, fostering, volunteering, etc., visit our Facebook pate, friendsofbeverlyanimals.org or call 978-927-4157.

We also have no way of knowing at this time (early May) whether or not we will be able to have our annual fundraiser scheduled for September. It all depends on what happens with social distancing, etc., by then. If it is to take place, we will get the word out in many ways.

Thank you for supporting the Friends of Beverly Animals and helping us save even more precious animals!

Bonnie Hannable
& All the Volunteers at FOBA

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No Meetings in March & April

Due to the coronavirus, we decided not to meet in March & April. We will post information for our next meeting when we know more. We hope that all of our friends and supporters are doing well and that you will stay safe.

🐯 🐕 🐈 🐾🐾🐾🐾

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E-News Bulletin #22

Here’s our latest news bulletin. Please note that Ben & Jerry and Truffle have been adopted since this was printed. We are always looking for happy tales (tails) and stories about your pets. Please send to bhannable@gmail.com

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February Meeting

We will have a meeting on Monday, Feb. 24th at 6:30 PM at the Keller-Williams Real Estate Office, 500 Cummings Center, Beverly.

We will be discussing animal updates, what happened in 2019, plus plans for the new year. Questions, write heidiroberts@comcast.net

Newcomers are always welcome at our meetings!

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Paws for a Cause Fundraiser 2/9/20

We hope many friends and supporters will attend this fundraiser at the Italian Community Center on Sunday, Feb. 9th from 1-6 PM. It is being put on by some very kind and thoughtful Endicott College students. It sounds like a lot of fun!! Thank you to all who are helping!

See flyer for details, and note that it’s a kid-friendly event (and free for them)!


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Calendars…did you get yours?

Hi Everyone,

One final reminder about our 2020 Calendars, very few left now, selling at 1/2 price ($7 each). Shown are the front cover and the month of January’s pages…

If you haven’t gotten one of our calendars, this is your last chance. This beautiful calendar contains over 180 great photos of local beloved pets, and they may still be available (1/2 price, $7) at Beverly Wild Bird and DogSpa. We are very grateful to all of these stores for carrying our calendars, and we hope you will shop there often!

Money raised from the sale of calendars is used for veterinary care, food and supplies for the animals we rescue and foster until they are adopted. 

Questions or if you need further information, email bhannable@gmail.com or call 978-922-7190.

Beverly Wild Bird & Pet Supply, 214 Rantoul Street, 978-927-2880
Copper Dog Books – sold out
Carroll’s Florist, 385 Cabot Street, 978-922-8444 sold out
DogSpa, 45 Enon Street, 978-922-9227
Dogs by Design & Cats, Too! 131 Dodge Street, 978-998-7620 sold out
Sally’s Hair Salon, 138 Dodge Street, 978-524-9990 sold out

On behalf of all of us and the precious animals we help, thank you very much for your continued support of our work!

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Finally, a Christmas Puppy!

We’re very proud of our V.P. Sharon Cook and her husband Ollie, who just adopted this sweet dog!! Thank you to the Cooks for giving Lionel a wonderful new home…and for sharing your heart-warming story. We love it!



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FOBA Receives $1000 from Cummings

Cummings Properties Community Giving Program  Donates $1000 to the Friends of Beverly Animals

On November 26, Chris Reilly, Associate Leasing Officer for Cummings Properties, and a recent graduate of Endicott College, presented Heidi Roberts, President and Founder of Friends of Beverly Animals, with a check for $1000. As part of the Cummings Community Giving Program, each year employees are given the sum to donate to the charity of their choice. Chris, who owns two dogs, chose FOBA because it is the only animal charity in the City of Beverly.

Friends of Beverly Animals, which began in 2007, is an all-volunteer nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to help the city’s homeless animals. It is run entirely by kind volunteers who take them into their homes and find good homes for the many animals in need (mostly cats, since the city handles dogs). The organization pays for veterinary care, food and supplies until the animals are adopted into their new homes.

Ms. Roberts and the FOBA volunteers hope to someday soon have an animal shelter in Beverly, where none currently exists. She believes that it would not be difficult for the City of Beverly to provide a small city-owned building, as the towns of Marblehead and Ipswich did to get started; both now have their own shelters.

The Friends of Beverly Animals wants to express sincere appreciation to Chris Reilly and Cummings Properties for this wonderful gift, and to all volunteers and supporters who make their rescue and adoption placement work possible.


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