A local student passed on this important article about keeping your pet safe while driving:
March Newsletter
Please click here to read our March newsletter. Enjoy!
Are you interested in fostering?
If you would like more information about fostering and/or you want to be considered as a foster parent, please click here to read more and to fill out a form.
Send completed forms to:
Friends of Beverly Animals
PO Box 3378
Beverly, MA 01915
or email them to:
2023 Calendars Sold Out!
Thank you to Beverly businesses Copper Dog Books, DogSpa and Dogs by Design (& Cats, Too!) for a great year selling FOBA 2023 calendars. Thank you to those who submitted wonderful photos, and everyone who purchased a calendar. We hope you enjoy them. We can’t thank you enough for your support, which helps us pay for veterinary care, food and supplies while our animals are in foster care…before they move into their new happy homes!
Our November 2022 Newsletter
Hi Everyone,
We thought we’d share our latest newsletter on our website so that we can reach more people to let you know what we’ve been up to and what we have in the works… Hope you will find time to read it and thank you so much for your support, on behalf of all the animals we rescue and our volunteers. (We need more, of course!) We would also like to wish you the best for the upcoming holidays and New Year!
Trivia Night September 2022

Please join us for a fun evening! This is our major fundraiser for 2022!
About Our 2022 & 2023 Calendars

Save the Date! Trivia Night Sept. 9, 2022
We had such a great time last year, we decided to have another Trivia Night. We hope to see many of you there. To purchase tickets, click on “Donate” button on this website and state that the $ is for Trivia Night tickets. You can also mail a check for tickets ($30/person or table of eight for $200) to FOBA, PO Box 3378, Beverly, MA 01915. You may also pay at the door. If you would like to donate a raffle or auction item, please email dsajill1@yahoo.com or call 978-927-4157.
Below is one of the items that was donated as a prize last year, a very pretty garden arrangement made by Sen. Joan Lovely, who always attends our events. She said she had such a fun time last year (and met some really nice people) that she stayed until it was all over. Many thanks to her and all who attended and/or helped with Trivia Night last year, especially our super emcee, Jim Lucas, who is so entertaining and will be with us again on September 9th. Please join us!