Follow us on Facebook!!

Friends of Beverly Animals on FacebookFriends of Beverly Animals is now on Facebook!  So please “Like” us and see what we have going on.  There are also plenty of pictures of all the animals that we are currently fostering and hoping to adopt out.  But we can’t do it without you!  So spread the word.  The animals need you!!!

Here’s a preview of some of the videos and updates that we post on Facebook.

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Strut Your Mutt Fundraiser Fun

A big thank you to everyone who turned out to support FOBA’s 1st Annual Strut Your Mutt fundraiser.  It was a ” bone-afide ” success.  We couldn’t have done it without you.  We appreciate your support and hope that you continue to support us in our efforts to establish an animal shelter in the Beverly community.  We continue to accept donations (big or small) for this very needed and very worthy cause.

Thank you for helping us bring our message to the community.

Let the fun begin!!

Family fun for all at Strut Your Mutt

Face painting fun at Strut Your Mutt

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Strut Your Mutt Benefit Walk

Come join us for our first annual Friends of Beverly Animals springtime “Strut Your Mutt” (no mutt necessary) benefit walk.

When: Saturday, June 5th 10:30 – 1:30
Where: Starting an the Beverly Common

Please join the fun and help raise money for homeless cats and dogs in Beverly and the surrounding areas.

Music, food, face painting, a juggler for the kids, fun for the entire family, including the dogs!

Ballonacy Balloons and music by DJ Jazzy Janet.

Download a Strut Your Mutt flyer

With your help, we are helping homeless animals one donation at a time.

Sponsor sheets available here.

READ ALL ABOUTour quest for an Animal Shelter and our mission to help homeless animals in Wicked Local.   Click here

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2nd Annual Funky Furball

Add this to your calendar before you forget!

Friday, May 21st – 7 pm to 11 pm

Italian Community Club (ICC)
302 Rantoul Street
Beverly, MA 01970

Casual Dress, Cash Bar, Refreshments

Tickets $20.00 advance purchase or $25.00 at the door

Download the flyer

Stay tuned for more details!

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Spring 2010 Newsletter

If you missed our latest newsletter, here it is!

Spring 2010 Friends of Beverly Animals newsletter.

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Are you ready for the next Shelter+ Challenge?

The next Animal Rescue Site Shelter+ Challenge – together with begins on Monday, May 17, 2010. Every shelter and animal rescue organization will have a chance to shine!

Official Challenge Dates: Monday, May 17 through Sunday, August 22.

Weekly Winners: Announced each Wednesday during the Challenge.

“Most Heartwarming Story” Winners: Announced the following month during the Challenge*

Final & Regional Winners: Announced on Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Stay tuned for more details

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Upcoming Events & more!!

We at Friends of Beverly Animals are very excited to share with all of you some of the exciting events that we have planned in the upcoming months.

Friday, May 21st – 7 pm to 11 pm 2nd Annual “Funky Fur Ball” —- Italian Community Club (ICC) 302 Rantoul Street, Beverly, MA

Saturday, June 5th – 10:30 am to 1:30 pm1st Annual Springtime —- “Strut Your Mutt” (no mutt necessary) Benefit Walk                                          — Taking place on the Beverly Common


The eagerly anticipated 3rd Annual “Friends of Beverly Animals” fund-raising calendar is pleased to announce its latest casting call.

FOBA is currently accepting submissions for consideration for its upcoming 2011 calendar to benefit homeless animals.

Due to the popularity of this calendar, we have started accepting submissions early this year (space fills up fast). So if you’d like to have the chance for your pet to be featured in our calendar, please email a photo along with contact information and your pet(s) name to:

The deadline for submissions is September 30, 2010

Your support is greatly appreciated!

In the upcoming days, we will be adding much more detailed information regarding these events.  So we thank you for your patience as we update our site to accommodate all of your needs and answer your questions concerning these worthwhile events to help our homeless animal friends.

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A Special Thank You

FOBA's "Evening of Spirit Communication" Fundraiser

FOBA's "Evening of Spirit Communication" Fundraiser

We wish to extend a heartfelt and sincere THANK YOU to all of you who attended our “Evening of  Spirit Communication” Fundraiser.  Your support for FOBA, and the causes it strives to accomplish,  is greatly appreciated.

We can’t do it without you!!

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How F.O.B.A. Got Started

Millie the wonder cat

Millie the wonder cat

This is Millie’s story.

Millie was abandoned on Mill Street in Beverly in the summer of 2007. Her arm was wedged in her plastic fleacollar, unable to move without experiencing excritiating pain. When she was rescued, she was near death. She was emaciated and her body was covered with infections from the flea collar that had befome imbedded in her neck and under her arm which allowed the toxins direct access to her wound.

When her rescuer wanted medical help for Millie, she found out that Beverly had no money and no organization in place to help. Millie was taken to a local Veterinarian and started the long road to recovery.

But what a trooper, Millie never complained, she was very sweet and loving and now is very happy in her foster home. She will be ready for adoption soon.

Her picture and story were run in the local paper and several people got together and started FOBA.

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