Thank You, Petco Foundation!

We thank the Petco Foundation for a generous donation from its 2012 Holiday Tree of Hope program. We are honored to be partners with the Petco Foundation. Tree of Hope is the Petco Foundation’s annual holiday fundraising campaign and continues to be the largest source of revenue for the Foundation and the many local groups it assists. Donations collected in stores during Tree of Hope go directly to animal welfare groups so they may continue their work in making better lives for animals through adoption, spay/neuter, and training. Last year the Petco Foundation raised more than $4 million during Tree of Hope, to support over 8,000 agencies, both large and small.

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View FOBA’s Spring 2013 Newsletter Here

FOBA’s Spring 2013 Newsletter is now available. To reduce expenses and paper use, we now send newsletters electronically. If you are already on our mailing list and would like to go paperless, please let us know at We will not share email addresses with outside groups. Click here to view the current newsletter.

Spring 2013 Newsletter

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Comedy Night at the Onion Town Grill

We are delighted to announce that our third annual spring Comedy Night will be held on Thursday, April 4 at 8:00 p.m. at the Onion Town Grill in Danvers. This always great fun, and we know Dave Rattigan and Friends will deliver another hilarious show. This year the featured comedian will be Steve Bjork, who has performed in Las Vegas and at Mohegan Sun. Limited seating; tickets are $25 per person, see poster below for more information. Arrive early and have dinner at the Onion Town Grill, where the menu is varied, and the food is good and reasonably priced.

Hope to see many friends there!

Comedy Night Poster

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Thank You, Chet’s Video

The fundraiser held at Chet’s Video in Marblehead on March 2 was a big success. What a great store! People were milling about all day, enjoying the refreshments, raffles, face painting, balloons, while learning about adopting and fostering pets in need. A couple of beautiful ferrets were on display. Chet’s Video is an interesting place, with scads of movies to rent or purchase, old-fashioned, colorful and pretty candy jars all lined up, many sundries to browse. The owners, Chet and his wife Carrie, are very friendly, community-oriented, animal lovers. Carrie (Thomas), who also has a full-time job, is an Animal Advocate/Dog Transporter for “Carry Them Home,” a foundation which helps bring homeless dogs from the southern states to our area. Good people, indeed. We thank them for all of their efforts on behalf of animals and for raising money to benefit the Marblehead Animal Shelter, Friends of Saugus and Lynn Animals (FOLSA), and FOBA.

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Fundraiser at Chet’s Video in Marblehead

Chet’s Video at 1 Essex St. in Marblehead will host a fundraiser for three local animal aid organizations at their store on Saturday, March 2 from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The fundraiser will include refreshments, raffles, face painting, balloons, information about adopting and fostering pets in need, and items for sale at Chet’s Video. This is a great way to meet fellow members of animal welfare organizations and to support an animal-friendly local business. For details, see the Press Release below.

Fundraiser Press Release

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E-News Bulletin, January 2013

Here is the latest edition of the Friends of Beverly Animals E-News Bulletin. Click here to view the current bulletin.

If you would like to receive the next bulletin by email, you can subscribe by writing to Please be assured that we will not share our email list with any outside groups or individuals, and your privacy will always be respected.

E-News Bulletin

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2013 Calendar Now Available

The Friends of Beverly Animals 2013 Calendar is now available, with over 100 beautiful color photos of pets who were rescued and placed by FOBA or who belong to our supporters and friends. Copies may be purchased ($12 each) at Beverly Wild Bird & Pet Supply, 214 Rantoul Street, or at Casa de Moda, 272 Cabot Street, and some veterinary offices in Beverly. To purchase a calendar, you may also contact or call 978-922-7190. Your support will enable us to help even more precious animals. Thank you!!

2013 Calendar Cover

Click on the image above to view it at full size.

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Holiday Gift Idea: “I’m Animal Friendly” License Plate

Imagine giving something that would be truly appreciated all year, not only by the recipient, but also by THOUSANDS of animals across MA that benefit from the “I’m Animal Friendly” license plate. That’s what happens when you give the gift of an “I’m Animal Friendly” Plate. Simply print out attached Gift Certificate, then attach a check. The recipient then logs onto the RMV website ( and orders their new plate: no need to go to the RMV, everything is done online, and plates are sent by mail. It’s easy, and it’s something they’ll appreciate every time they drive. Animals all over Massachusetts will thank you.

License Plate Gift Certificate

Click on the image above to view it at full size.

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Thank You, Not Your Average Joe’s

Thanks to all who supported FOBA’s work by dining at NYAJ’s during the month of October, and thanks to NYAJ’s for teaming up with us again. We hope to repeat this event in the near future. Please watch for it on our website.

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Thank You Fur Ball Supporters!

The Friends of Beverly Animals would like to express our sincere appreciation to the following businesses and individuals who very generously supported our recent fundraising event, the Fur Ball, held at the ICC on September 28, 2012. We had many attractive raffle items and the evening was a great success! Businesses are located in Beverly unless otherwise noted.

A.J. King Bakery, Salem
Acupuncture Works of Hamilton
Anchor Pub & Grille
John Archer, Archer Insurance
Art by Alyssa
Beverly Athletic Club
Beverly Bowl-o-Mat
Beverly Wild Bird & Pet Supply
Heather Borghesi of Butterfly Nutrition
Bridge Street Automotive
Casa De Moda
Cheesecake Factory, Northshore Mall, Peabody
Clay Dreaming Pottery
Sally Cyr of Mr. Vincent’s Coiffeurs
Dream Nails of Danvers
Eileen Duff, Candidate for Governor’s Council
Elements Therapeutic Massage
Fetch Pet Care of Middleton, Lisa Vince
Elizabeth Grady
Paul Guanci of Super Sub & Casual Catering
Hair Connections of Danvers
Hamilton-Wenham Family Chiropractic
Hawaii Nails & Spa
Inatural, Northshore Mall
Legal Seafoods, Northshore Mall, Peabody
Marika’s Restaurant
Not Your Average Joe’s
Pet Edge at Cummings Center
Salem Wine Imports, Salem
Joanna Scaparotti, The Healing Center of Beverly
Linda Scott, The Healing Center of Beverly
Michelle Serino, Master Groomer
Stephy’s Kitchen
Tastebuds Gourmet Foods
Unleashed Doggie Daycare

We would also like to acknowledge and thank FOBA members and volunteers for raffle items, food donations and their hard work to make this a successful event: Tina Barter, Roberta Chadis, Jessica Cook, Sharon Cook, Karen Estey, Bonnie Hannable, Kim Hyder, Ann Innocenti, June Kelley, Christine Letterman, Kathleen Love, Cheryl Mezack, Sugar Moca, Pam Morris, Linda Nice, Ann Picariello, Dana Plum, Claire Reid, Heidi Roberts, Nathalie Saltikoff, Donna Scanlon, Linda Scott, Linda Seal, Avis Thomas, Lisa Vince, Deborah Walsh.

Paul Guanci of Super Sub/Casual Catering provided delicious food and everyone really enjoyed the music played by 5 O’Clock Somewhere. Lest we forget anyone, we want to thank everyone in the community who helped make this event so successful. We know that Beverly’s State Representative Jerry Parisella has a very busy schedule and we truly appreciated his taking the time to attend and staying to visit with us. Thank you, Jerry!

We hope that many friends will help us with our next event, Tuesdays at Not Your Average Joe’s during the month of October. On behalf of all the animals and our volunteers, we thank you for your wonderful support!

Heidi Roberts, President of FOBA

P.S. See our Scrapbook for photos from the event!

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