2014 Calendar Now Available

The 2014 Friends of Beverly Animals calendar is now available. The calendar contains 140 beautiful color photos of pets who were rescued and placed by FOBA, plus photos submitted by local supporters and friends of their beloved pets. Calendars may be purchased for $12 each at Beverly Wild Bird & Pet Supply, 214 Rantoul Street; Casa de Moda, 272 Cabot Street; Marika’s Restaurant, 190 Cabot Street. On Saturday, November 16th we’ll be at the First Baptist Church Holiday Fair, 221 Cabot Street. Calendars may also be purchased online at www.friendsofbeverlyanimals.org. For more information, email bhannable@gmail.com or call 978-922-7190.

2014 Calendar Cover

Click on the image above to view it at full size.

If you would like to purchase the 2014 FOBA Calendar online, simply click the Donate button below, then enter $12 for each calendar you would like, and under Special Instructions type “Calendar.” Easy! If you’d like the calendar mailed to you, please add $3 for the first calendar and $.75 for each additional calendar to cover postage and the envelope.

Since its inception in 2008 as a nonprofit, all-volunteer 501(c)(3) organization, FOBA has saved hundreds of homeless animals. Our ultimate goal is to establish an animal shelter in or near Beverly. All proceeds from calendar sales and other fundraisers are used to help homeless animals. Please visit our website often and like us on Facebook. Thank you for your support! Hope you enjoy the calendar!

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Photos from Fur Ball 2013

To view more photos from FOBA’s Fur Ball fundraiser, please see our Scrapbook.

Bonnie Hannable, Kim Hyder, Jill Auld, Sharon Love Cook

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E-News Bulletin, October 2013

Here is the latest edition of the Friends of Beverly Animals E-News Bulletin. Click here to view the current bulletin.

If you would like to receive the next bulletin by email, you can subscribe by writing to foba2007@gmail.com. Please be assured that we will not share our email list with any outside groups or individuals, and your privacy will always be respected.

E-News Bulletin

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Fur Ball 2013

We will be holding the Fur Ball, FOBA’s main fundraiser for the year, on Friday, October 11, 2013 at the Italian Community Center, 302 Rantoul St., Beverly, from 7-11 PM. We are delighted that this year music will be provided by Ray Novack and his band, Horizon. Good food, many great raffle items, dancing, door prizes and more. Tickets are $20 each and may be purchased at Casa de Moda, on our website friendsofbeverlyanimals.org, from FOBA members, or by calling 978-922-7190. Tickets may also be purchased at the door, but it would be much appreciated if you’d let us know you’re coming by emailing bhannable@gmail.com Thank you! This is always a fun event and we look forward to seeing you there!

Fur Ball 2013 Poster

To see a full-size version of the Fur Ball 2013 poster, click the image above.

If you would like to purchase tickets for the Fur Ball online, simply click the Donate button below, then enter $20 for each ticket you would like, and under Special Instructions type “Tickets.” Easy! Tickets will be held for you at the door of Italian Community Center on October 11.

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FOBA Rescues Four Raccoon Cubs

This article appeared in the Salem News on June 21, 2013.

These four baby raccoons in a cage were found one recent evening in a parking lot in Beverly by a Friends of Beverly Animals (FOBA) volunteer. She took them home so nothing would happen to them overnight sitting alone in this crate. The next day, she searched online and by telephone for a wildlife rehabilitator who would be able to help them survive without their mother. Animal hospitals and wildlife workers from other parts of the state were contacted but said they could not help. Finally, a certified person was found who took them to be cared for until they can be released.

The public needs to know that it is illegal to trap, move or keep a wild animal. Unless there was absolute proof that the mother was dead, the person who put them into the crate and abandoned them to their fate should have left them where they were. The mother may have been out looking for food.

Also, people should be aware that if they call an exterminator to remove a wild animal from their home or yard, the exterminator is required by law to destroy the animal. This may be done legally by gassing and even drowning. Exterminators are not allowed to move the animals from the site; they are only allowed to release them onto the same property.

So please, learn to live with wild animals that make their home in our area. They all serve a purpose in the world. Without them, this world would be a sterile and less beautiful place.

Heidi Roberts is president of Friends of Beverly Animals.

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Wine Tasting to Benefit FOBA

Please join us at a wine tasting at Henry’s Wine Cellar, 588 Cabot Street, Beverly, on Wednesday, June 19 from 5:30-7:00 PM. Enjoy a selection of fine wines and delicious hors d’oeuvres. 10% discount on any wine purchased. Tickets are $15/person, door prizes. All proceeds will benefit the animals rescued by Friends of Beverly Animals. For tickets or more information, write foba2007@gmail.com or call 978-922-7190. You may also purchase tickets online using the Donate button below. Thank you very much for helping us save more precious animals!

To see a full-size version of the Wine Tasting 2013 poster, click the image above.

If you would like to purchase tickets for the wine tasting online, simply click the Donate button below, then enter $15 for each ticket you would like, and under Special Instructions type “Tickets.” Easy! Tickets will be held for you at the door of Henry’s Wine Cellar on June 19.

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E-News Bulletin, June 2013

Here is the latest edition of the Friends of Beverly Animals E-News Bulletin. Click here to view the current bulletin.

If you would like to receive the next bulletin by email, you can subscribe by writing to foba2007@gmail.com. Please be assured that we will not share our email list with any outside groups or individuals, and your privacy will always be respected.

E-News Bulletin

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Thank You, Scamps Comedy Productions

Dave Rattigan and Friends of Scamps Comedy Productions did not disappoint at the FOBA Comedy Show on April 4th. The audience loved the comedians and it was once again—this was our third year of having the show—a very fun evening. Thanks to everyone who attended, sold tickets, the comics who made us laugh, and thanks also to the Onion Town Grill in Danvers for letting us have the show there. The pizza was delicious! Most importantly, we raised some more money to continue our work rescuing the animals. We hope to have another show there next spring.

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FOBA at State House for Lobby Day

Friends of Beverly Animals members Jill Auld, her daughter Clarissa, Cheryl Mezack, and Bonnie Hannable attended the Be Kind to Animals Lobby Day 2013 in Boston on April 25th. See photos from the event in our Scrapbook. The event was sponsored by HSUS and MSPCA Angell and was held at the State House, where we met with our legislators to discuss many important animal protection bills that are pending in the legislature. Many thanks to our State Senator Joan Lovely and to Rep. Jerry Parisella’s Aide, Angel Donahue-Rodriguez, for meeting with us, making us feel welcome, and caring about animal issues. The beautiful puppy, Oscar, was found in a trashcan when only a few days old, and he had serious injuries, but is doing fine now and is up for adoption through MSPCA. The event was very well attended, and it was great to be back in Boston on a gorgeous spring day!

Lobby Day Group Photo

The Lobby Day group photo above was provided by Kaylee Greer of Dog Breath Photography. If you would like to make your opinions about animal welfare legislation known, consider joining the MSPCA Animal Action Team and The Humane Society of the United States—Massachusetts. Often you can help simply by calling the office of your Senator and Representative to let them know pending legislation is important to you.

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Why We Need More Animal Shelters

Today The Salem News published an op-ed piece written by Heidi Roberts, the President and Founder of Friends of Beverly Animals. The original article can be found here, and the text is shown below.


It is spring again, and homeless cats and, to a lesser extent, dogs are being noticed in the streets of our cities and towns. Citizens are calling with information regarding the location of a stray or homeless cat or kittens and want someone to jump into action. People are often under the false impression that every city has an animal shelter and people who are paid to take care of the homeless animal population.

Not so. The animal control officers are not responsible for homeless cats.

Who is? Good question! Many cats were discarded by thoughtless owners to fend for themselves when the owner was moving. Many of these cats have not been spayed or neutered, so they reproduced. Their offspring become feral (wild) and not used to human contact.

These kittens can be trapped with humane traps and socialized as long as they are under 8 weeks old. The mothers should also be trapped and spayed and placed somewhere. But where? And who will do this immense task? Are there people who do this for a living? Where are they? Do they get paid? No, there is no one, just a few volunteers who have taken it upon themselves to help. They do as much as they can with limited resources.

And when they catch these mothers and kittens, then what?

Is there a shelter that can take these animals and house them and work with them to get them friendly enough so they can be adopted? Not really, because shelters want animals that can be adopted fast to make room for new ones. There is no shortage of animals that need new homes; many landlords don’t allow pets anymore, other landlords charge pet deposits many people can’t afford, or some people simply don’t want to be bothered with their cat or dog any longer.

Some cats and kittens that can’t be placed often live in a household of a kind person who has difficulty caring for them all and then may be labeled a “hoarder” when all the person did was try and help out people who heard that he or she takes in animals.

This person agonizes over turning a needy animal away. Without the backing of a local animal welfare group who can pay for veterinary care and help with placement, this person soon can become overwhelmed with the task.

Our foster homes get calls from desperate people from Beverly and many surrounding towns who can’t take care of their animals and have not been able to get them into shelters, because there are not enough places. We have to turn these people away, because if we didn’t, we would end up with too many animals ourselves.

Many people want to make one phone call and have their problem solved. They are surprised to hear that Beverly doesn’t have a shelter, and many people only think of a shelter when they need one.

Just recently, two 8-week-old female kittens were found in Beverly. They would have frozen to death if some people had not stepped forward and taken them in. One’s tail fell off due to frostbite. Both kittens are being fostered by a veterinary technician from Beverly Animal Hospital. The other foster homes (all three) in Beverly were full, because they are fostering cats and kittens that need to be socialized before they are friendly enough for placement.

What you can do to help:

Lobby your local government to set up a shelter or sanctuary for homeless animals.

Work with and support your local animal group, such as the Friends of Beverly Animals, to foster or adopt a hard to place cat or kitten.

Make sure you get your animals spayed or neutered.

Contact the MSPCA for low-cost or free services.

Get the “spay/neuter” license plate when you renew your car registration; this supports the spay/neuter fund.

Contact the Massachusetts Animal Coalition at www.massanimalcoalition.com.

Report any animal abuse or abandonment to the MSPCA.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank all our volunteers and supporters for their hard work, dedication and the financial support they have given us in the last five years. As an all-volunteer organization, we rely on their kindness and generosity in order to be able to help the hundreds of animals we have rescued during those years. I also want to thank those people who have stepped up to the plate and taken in a homeless animal themselves. Please continue, and maybe someday we will have a shelter or animal sanctuary right here in Beverly.

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