E-News Bulletin, August 2014

Here is the latest edition of the Friends of Beverly Animals E-News Bulletin. Click here to view the current bulletin.

If you would like to receive the next bulletin by email, you can subscribe by writing to foba2007@gmail.com. Please be assured that we will not share our email list with any outside groups or individuals, and your privacy will always be respected.

E-News Bulletin

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A Bonded Pair: MAGGIE and MIA

MAGGIE and MIA are mom and daughter, and we hope to find a home for them together as a bonded pair. They were featured in the Salem News on Friday, July 11, 2014. Mom, Maggie has been spayed, and has the required shots and tests. Daughter, Mia is about 9 weeks old, has had her first distemper shot and is playful like any kitten. Both have nice temperaments and are litter box trained. Mom cat, Maggie has a white “flame” on her back, which is unusual. If interested in more information, contact Cheryl at cmezack@aol.com or call (978) 578-0588.

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Your Pet Photos Wanted for FOBA 2015 Calendar

Make your pet a star! It’s that time of year again. We are seeking your best animal photos for our 2015 calendar. Last year we received over 200 submissions. There were so many great ones to choose from, it was really challenging to decide which ones to use. We regret that we could not use all the photos submitted.

We’re asking you to send us a favorite photo or two of your dogs, cats, hamsters, birds, any animal you care about, even one of a backyard squirrel or raccoon will be considered, as long as it’s a good and interesting photo. Please send your photos by email to bhannable@gmail.com. Since we hope to get the calendar printed in October, the deadline this year will be August 20th. Photos should be good quality, not blurry or too dark, or with no people or parts of people (hands, feet, etc.) in them. Please identify the animal(s) by name and state the owner’s name. We will not print owners’ names, but we need them in order to keep track of photos submitted. Preference will be given to rescued animals and those adopted through FOBA, so please let us know if your pet was adopted from FOBA, a shelter, or other rescue organization. We will do our best to acknowledge all photos received. Please share this message with anyone you think might be interested in having their pet in FOBA’s 2015 calendar.

The cover of last year’s calendar is shown below, to give you an idea of what we are looking for, in case you’ve never seen one of FOBA’s calendars. We usually sell the calendars for $12 each and that will probably be the price again this year. For anyone who would like to place an ad in the calendar, the prices are $25 for a business card ad; $50 for a half page and $100 for a full-page ad. Advertising space is limited.

If you had a pet in the 2014 calendar, we hope that you enjoyed seeing your furry friend there, and we hope you’ll submit another photo for the coming year. If your pet didn’t make the 2014 calendar, please try again. Whether you sent us photos and/or purchased a calendar last year, we want to thank you again for your support.

We will keep saving animals in need and pursuing our dream of one day having a shelter in Beverly. If you have any thoughts about how we can reach that goal or questions, please let us hear from you! Thanks so much.

Bonnie Hannable
Calendar Editor
(978) 922-7190

P.S. Our main fundraiser for the year, the Fur Ball, is coming up in October. Stay tuned and check our website friendsofbeverlyanimals.org and Facebook page for details.

2014 Calendar Cover

Click on the image above to view it at full size.

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Special Notice: Four Cats Needing Homes

Where would we all be in our lives without second chances? Here are four young to middle-aged cats, used to living together, and now seeking a new home or several new homes due to their owner’s recent passing. All pet owners can understand that this is one of our greatest concerns, what will happen to our pets after we die. Please do what you can: talk to your friends, and ask them to talk to their friends so we can finds homes for these cats. If you know of anyone who would like to adopt one or more of them, please contact Cheryl Standlee, Cheryl.standlee@gmail.com, (619) 265-1655.

To see a full-size version of this poster, click the image above.

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E-News Bulletin, May 2014

Here is the latest edition of the Friends of Beverly Animals E-News Bulletin. Click here to view the current bulletin.

If you would like to receive the next bulletin by email, you can subscribe by writing to foba2007@gmail.com. Please be assured that we will not share our email list with any outside groups or individuals, and your privacy will always be respected.

E-News Bulletin

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FOBA Newsletter, Spring 2014

Here is the latest edition of the Friends of Beverly Animals newsletter. Click here to view the current newsletter.

If you would like to receive the next newsletter by email, you can subscribe by writing to foba2007@gmail.com. Please be assured that we will not share our email list with any outside groups or individuals, and your privacy will always be respected.

Click on the image above to view it at full size.

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Ellen, aka KD, Needs a New Home!

Ellen and her eyes

About three years ago, an elderly, wheelchair-bound woman named Lorraine looked from the balcony of her high-rise apartment in Saugus, MA, and saw a cat in the nearby woods. She felt sorry for the cat (Kitty Doe, “KD” for short), who hobbled around on three feet, but was still quite fast and wouldn’t let anyone near her. Lorraine began to toss food over the balcony whenever she saw KD. She feared that coyotes would attack the cat. In failing health and thinking she might not live much longer, Lorraine wanted to make sure that KD was rescued. She called numerous rescue organizations and shelters in the area, but no one would help until she contacted the Friends of Beverly Animals.

A most kind couple (ages 88 and 90), living in the same apartment building, donated money for veterinary care, but nobody wanted to take in KD. We put a plan together to trap the kitty in conjunction with another rescue group who had a trapper living nearby. It took three weeks until KD was caught in a have-a-heart trap. The trap had to be monitored, because you can’t just set a trap and leave it. An animal could hurt itself if left in an unattended trap, and you might unintentionally trap a wild animal.

After KD was caught, she was taken to a local veterinarian who determined that she had been spayed. We don’t know how old she is, but she must have been someone’s pet in the past. We also don’t know how she lost her hind right foot.

KD came to live with Heidi Roberts, the founder of FOBA, who gave the cat a new name one day when she was watching the Ellen DeGeneres show. Heidi thought that the cat’s eyes looked a lot like Ellen’s eyes—very pretty and unusual. Ellen (the cat 🙂 ) was very afraid of people and lived the first three years in a closet or under furniture.

One way Heidi found to build Ellen’s trust was to scratch her on her side where the foot is missing, because she could not scratch herself there. She always hid under something, so it was hard to get at her in order to scratch her.

Ellen finally decided to come out of hiding one day and join the other cats who were waiting for breakfast in their foster home. Then she took residence on a chair that no other cat had claimed. Ellen is now more trusting, purrs, can be picked up and generally seems happy; however, she does not play. She may not know how, or it might be related to the trauma she went through in her earlier life. As you can see in the videos below, Ellen really does get around quite well.

Ellen is ready for a forever home. Please contact FOBA if you can give her a home, but it has to be a very special home, because Ellen is such a special cat.

Heidi Roberts
Friends of Beverly Animals www.friendsofbeverlyanimals.org heidiroberts@comcast.net
(978) 927-4157

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Wine Tasting to Benefit FOBA

Please join us at a wine tasting at Henry’s Wine Cellar, 588 Cabot Street, Beverly, on Wednesday, May 14 from 5:30-7:00 PM. Enjoy a selection of fine wines and delicious hors d’oeuvres. 10% discount on any wine purchased. Tickets are $15/person, door prizes. All proceeds will benefit the animals rescued by Friends of Beverly Animals. For tickets or more information, write foba2007@gmail.com or call 978-922-7190. You may also purchase tickets online using the Donate button below. Thank you very much for helping us save more precious animals!

To see a full-size version of the Wine Tasting 2014 poster, click the image above.

If you would like to purchase tickets for the wine tasting online, simply click the Donate button below, then enter $15 for each ticket you would like, and under Special Instructions type “Tickets.” Easy! Tickets will be held for you at the door of Henry’s Wine Cellar on May 14.

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Fundraiser at Not Your Average Joe’s

The Friends of Beverly Animals and Not Your Average Joe’s are teaming up during the month of December to raise money to support our rescue work. Have lunch or dinner at NYAJ’s on any Tuesday in December, tell them you’re a FOBA supporter, and they will donate 15% of the receipts (less alcohol) to FOBA. Also good on take-out orders, just be sure to tell the cashier before your order is rung up. NYAJ’s is located at 45 Enon Street (Commodore Plaza), North Beverly, MA. In case you’ve never eaten there, we hope you’ll give it a try. The food and service are excellent.

Attached is a certificate you can print out and take with you if you wish. They will also have certificates at NYAJ’s. Print your name and phone number on the certificate and it will be entered into the drawings to be held in the middle and at the end of the month. Two winners will receive $25 gift certificates to NYAJ’s. It’s not necessary for you to submit a certificate for FOBA to get credit for your food. Just be sure to tell your server that you want to support FOBA when you place your order; the certificate is for participation in the drawings.

Please help us spread the word by forwarding this email to your animal-loving friends. Thank you very much. If you have any questions, please email bhannable@gmail.com or call 978-922-7190.

We wish you blessings for the holidays and New Year,
Bonnie Hannable & Everyone at FOBA

NYAJs Certificate

Click on the image above to view it at full size, then print.

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FOBA Newsetter, Fall/Winter 2013

Here is the latest edition of the Friends of Beverly Animals newsletter. Click here to view the current newsletter.

If you would like to receive the next newsletter by email, you can subscribe by writing to foba2007@gmail.com. Please be assured that we will not share our email list with any outside groups or individuals, and your privacy will always be respected.

Click on the image above to view it at full size.

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