FOBA at First Baptist Church Holiday Fair

2015 FOBA Calendar

Buy our calendar at the holiday fair!

Reminder that FOBA will be at the First Baptist Church Holiday Fair, 221 Cabot Street, on Saturday, Nov. 22, 9 AM to 3 PM. This is always a joyous event, with nice holiday music, tons of crafts, good food, and more. We will have our beautiful calendars, pet toys, home-made, nutritious treats, jewelry and decorations for sale. Made and donated by our volunteers. Please stop by our table, browse and know that if you make a purchase, you will be helping us rescue and find homes for more precious animals! Thank you!

Earrings for sale

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FOBA Newsletter, Fall 2014

Here is the latest edition of the Friends of Beverly Animals newsletter. Click here to view the current newsletter.

If you would like to receive the next newsletter by email, you can subscribe by writing to Please be assured that we will not share our email list with any outside groups or individuals, and your privacy will always be respected.

Click on the image above to view it at full size.

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Second Annual Appeal—We Need Your Help

Dear Fellow Animal-Lover,

In 2007, following a disturbing experience involving an abandoned cat named Millie, a group of concerned Beverly residents decided to form a nonprofit organization called the Friends of Bev- erly Animals, which officially incorporated in 2008. The mission and purpose of FOBA is to help animals in need and work toward the goal of having a no-kill shelter in Beverly. Our dedicated volunteers have saved hundreds of animals’ lives, placing pets in loving “forever” homes, and trying to raise money for a much-needed shelter in Beverly. We receive phone calls every day from people asking for help. FOBA is best known for rescuing felines, but we also assist with ca- nine rescues through networking with other animal organizations to find good homes, and by providing veterinary treatment when we can afford it. One of the greatest challenges we face in rescuing animals is having enough foster homes to meet the need, and finding foster homes for dogs is even more challenging, so much of our rescue work has involved cats and kittens.

FOBA has had many successes, but there is still a long way to go. We have had numerous fund- raisers to try to keep up with the expenses of caring for animals that are in danger of being put down or that have been left outside to fend for themselves. We provide essential food, shelter and medical care, which is very expensive and takes up most of our budget. FOBA is an all- volunteer organization. Proceeds from fundraising efforts are used to further FOBA’s mission of caring for animals in need.

Now entering our seventh year of operation, this is our second annual appeal letter. It is our fervent hope that you will find it in your heart to make an end-of-year, tax deductible donation to the Friends of Beverly Animals so that we can help more animals and some day have a shelter in our city. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. We wish you a happy, blessed holiday season and New Year!

Your Friends at FOBA

P.S. Millie’s story has a happy ending. She was nursed back to health and is doing just fine now.

Appeal Form

Click on the image above to view it at full size.

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Thank You Fur Ball Supporters

The Friends of Beverly Animals (FOBA) would like to express our sincere appreciation to the following businesses and individuals who very generously supported our recent fundraising event, the Fur Ball, held at the ICC on October 11, 2014. Thanks to those listed below, the evening was a big success! (Businesses are located in Beverly unless otherwise noted.) Donors of raffle items, services and/or food included:

John Archer, Archer Insurance
Melissa Birtwell, Melissa Birtwell Designs
Beverly Athletic Club
Beverly Day Spa
Beverly Wild Bird & Pet Supply
Boston Harbor Duck Cruises, Charlestown
Bridge Street Automotive
The Cheesecake Factory, Northshore Mall, Peabody
Paul Coughlin
Eileen Duff, Governor’s Council, Gloucester
Elements Therapeutic Massage
Fetch Pet Care of Middleton (Lisa Vince)
Monique Hebert, Verbena Esthetics Studio, The Healing Center
Paul Guanci of Super Sub & Casual Catering
the ICC
Legal Seafoods, Northshore Mall, Peabody
Marika’s Restaurant
New Brothers, Danvers
A New Leaf
Pet Edge at Cummings Center
Petco, Peabody
PetSmart, Danvers
Linda Scott, The Healing Center of Beverly
Michelle Serino, Master Groomer of Beverly
Stephy’s Kitchen
Wild Birds Unlimited, Danvers
The Wild Horse
Winfrey’s Fudge & Chocolates

We would also like to acknowledge and thank FOBA members and volunteers for raffle items, food donations and their hard work to make this a successful event: Joan Bonner, Gillian Charters, Jessica Cook, Sharon Cook, Neil Flewelling, Bonnie Hannable, Kim Hyder, Ann Innocenti, Christine Letterman, Cheryl Mezack, Dana Plum, Heidi Roberts, Nathalie Saltikoff, Linda Seal, Lisa Vince.

Paul Guanci of Super Sub/Casual Catering provided delicious food and everyone loved the music provided by The Sellouts. Lest we forget anyone, we want to thank everyone in the community who helped make this event so successful. We truly appreciated Mayor Mike Cahill, Beverly State Rep. Jerry Parisella, State Senator Joan Lovely and candidate for State Rep Rick Marciano taking time from their busy schedules to attend the Fur Ball.

On behalf of all the animals and our volunteers, we thank you for your wonderful support!

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Pet of the Week: NINA

NINA is Pet of the Week in the October 24 edition of the Salem News. And NINA is available for adoption.

Female kitten, 4 months old. NINA likes to play with toys and is good at playing kitty “soccer” as she chases a rolling ball in between her front paws. When she gets to know you, Nina will jump up on your lap or sit near you, and enjoys being stroked. The white kitten with the black spots would do well with another kitten or cat, in a household with or without older children. She may even adjust to life with a dog. Nina has had all her shots (distemper and Rabies), and the required feline tests. Nina uses her litter box regularly. She would enjoy having a cat perch or place near a window to watch the birds and world outdoors. If interested in this kitten, contact Cheryl, her foster mom, at, (978) 578-0588.

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2015 Calendar Now Available

The 2015 FOBA calendars are here! Over 125 beautiful color photos that were submitted by our friends and supporters of their wonderful pets (and a few other furry or feathered friends) made it into this year’s calendar. The calendars sell for $12 each, and may be purchased here using the PayPal below. Calendars are also available at Beverly Wild Bird & Pet Supply, 214 Rantoul Street, Beverly; Marika’s Restaurant, 190 Cabot Street, Beverly; at the Baptist Church Holiday Fair (221 Cabot Street, Beverly) on November 22, or write to or call (978) 922-7190 for more information. Proceeds from calendar sales will be used to help us continue our work rescuing and finding homes for precious animals in need, so you know it’s for a great cause! Once again, thank you for your support!

2015 Calendar Cover

Click on the image above to view it at full size.

If you would like to purchase the 2015 FOBA Calendar online, simply click the Donate button below, then enter $12 for each calendar you would like, and under Special Instructions type “Calendar.” Easy! If you’d like the calendar mailed to you, please add $3.00 for the first calendar and $0.50 for each additional calendar to cover postage.

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Fur Ball 2014

We held our annual Fur Ball on Saturday, October 11 at the ICC in Beverly. We had a nice turnout, delicious food (provided by Super Sub and our volunteers), a great band (“The Sellouts”), plus we had some interesting and attractive raffle items provided by local merchants and friends (too many to list here). We would like to thank everyone who helped in any way to make the event a success. We also want to express our appreciation to Mayor Michael Cahill, State Representative Jerry Parisella, State Senator Joan Lovely, and candidate for State Representative Rick Marciano for taking time out of their busy schedules to attend. Money raised at the Fur Ball will help us continue our work rescuing and finding good homes for precious animals in need. Thank you, one and all!

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E-News Bulletin, October 2014

Here is the latest edition of the Friends of Beverly Animals E-News Bulletin. Click here to view the current bulletin.

If you would like to receive the next bulletin by email, you can subscribe by writing to Please be assured that we will not share our email list with any outside groups or individuals, and your privacy will always be respected.

E-News Bulletin

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Fur Ball 2014

We will be holding the Fur Ball, FOBA’s main fundraiser for the year, on Saturday, October 11, 2014 at the Italian Community Center, 302 Rantoul St., Beverly, from 7:30-11:00 PM. We are delighted that this year music will be provided by The Sellouts. Good food, many great raffle items, dancing, door prizes and more. Tickets are $20 each and may be purchased on our website, from FOBA members, or by calling (978) 922-7190. Tickets may also be purchased at the door, but it would be much appreciated if you’d let us know you’re coming by emailing Thank you! This is always a fun event and we look forward to seeing you there!

Fur Ball 2014 Poster

To see a full-size version of the Fur Ball 2014 poster, click the image above.

If you would like to purchase tickets for the Fur Ball online, simply click the Donate button below, then enter $20 for each ticket you would like, and under Special Instructions type “Tickets.” Easy! Tickets will be held for you at the door of Italian Community Center on October 11.

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Facebook Users—Help Us Promote the Fur Ball

Facebook Users! You can help us promote the FOBA Fur Ball by calling attention to its event page on Facebook. Send your Facebook friends an invitation to the event. It’s easy to do and takes only a couple minutes.

First go to the FOBA Fur Ball event page here. Click the box labeled “•••” and then click “Invite Friends” as shown below.

Click on the image above to view it at full size.

This will bring up a list of all your Facebook friends. Just check off the friends you want to invite, and then click the blue “Send” button, see below.

Click on the image above to view it at full size.

Friends that have already been invited will be listed in grey type, so you will not be able to check off their names and you do not have to worry about flooding these popular folks with invitations.

That’s it. Easy! And thank you for helping us spread the word.

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